IECA 一般社団法人国際eコマース協会




Signed partnership agreement with NPO EIPS

The International E-Commerce Association, a general incorporated association, has concluded a partnership agreement with the Export/Import Procedures Support Firm (NPO EIPS), a specified non-profit organization.

NPO EIPS is an organization that supports various issues such as import/export procedures and is made up of people who have been engaged in import/export business, customs duties, customs administration, etc. for many years and have retired from the front lines. Our association has previously collaborated in various ways, but after further discussions, we have officially concluded a partnership agreement.

As it is predicted that various systems will be revised due to the rapid increase in cross-border e-commerce in the future, we will strive to realize and promote proper and smooth procedures for your business activities and contribute to the development of economic activities in various ways. I'm coming.

Signing date: September 22, 2023
